


On manufacturer backorder until Jan 3, 2025 Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic preparation which exerts the following types of activity lymph drainage, antiedemic, detoxification, immunomodulatory and anti inflammatory action. It promotes metabolic processes and activates lymph outflow from the tissues resulting in elimination of toxic substances from the inter cellular space.

Lymphomyosot 100 tabs 1300550

Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic preparation which exerts the following types of activity lymph drainage, antiedemic, detoxification, immunomodulatory and anti inflammatory action. It promotes metabolic processes and activates lymph outflow from the tissues resulting in elimination of toxic substances from the inter cellular space.

Indications: Lymphomyosot is used to treat the following conditions: Lymphadenopathy, mesenteric lymphadenitis. Chronic tonsilitis. Hypertrophy of amygdales and adenoid vegetations. Tuberculates intoxication. Immunodeficiency disorder. Allergic reactions. Lymphohypoplastic diathesis, Diabetic polyneuropathy. Elephantiasis, lymphatism, lymphatic edema. Cardiac and kidney edema. Complex treatment of malignant growth.

In cases of thyroid disorder with reduced iodine tolerance use only on the advice of a physician. Pregnancy and lactation – ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine. Side-effects: None known. Interactions with other medication: None known. Dosage: In general, Adults and children over 12 years of age.  Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

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