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Temporarily relieves symptoms of seasonal allergies, such as sneezingnasal dischargeitchy and watery eyes

Oral Drops

GUNA-Allergy 30 ml (1 fl oz) 46118

GUNA-Allergy – for the temporary relief of symptoms due to seasonal allergies such as: sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes.

GUNA-Allergy Active Ingredients & Purposes

Active ingredients Inactive ingredient
Chamomilla 3X Ethyl alcohol 30%
Glandula suprarenalis suis 6X, 12X, 30X
Mucosa nasalis suis 200X
Scilla maritima 12X, 30X, 200X
Sabadilla 30X, 200X, 12X
Allium cepa 12X, 30X, 200X
Ammonium carbonicum 12X, 30X, 200X
Apis mellifica 200X
Argentum nitricum 30X
Arsenicum album 12X, 30X, 200X
Cuprum aceticum 12X, 30X, 200X
Galphimia glauca 6X, 12X, 200X
Luffa operculata 6X, 12X, 30X
Histaminum hydrochloricum 200X
Natrum muriaticum 12X, 30X, 200X
Adrenalinum 6X



Respiratory difficulties, runny nose, itchy nose, cough, headache: well-known symptoms for allergy sufferers, but at the same time typical symptoms of a common and annoying cold of viral origin. So how do you understand what it is? You’d better consult your doctor who, by collecting all the information during the examination, will be able to understand if the cold is of viral or allergic origin and, in the latter case, suggest – if necessary – a specialist medical examination by an allergist. There is another doubt, however, that can affect those suffering from frequent colds, namely what is the difference between allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Despite having some similar symptoms such as the presence of excessive mucus and sometimes even headaches, these are not conditions to be confused so easily. Sinusitis, in fact, is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and can rather be a consequence of allergic rhinitis, if not properly treated.


When a doctor diagnoses that a cold is allergic rather than viral, the primary necessary step will be to identify the substance responsible for excessive reactivity. The inhalation of pollen is one of the most frequent causes of allergic rhinitis, but also exposure to animals, mushrooms, mites dust play an important role. Even in the event of rhinitis, as well as any other allergic reaction, it is an imbalance of the immune system and more precisely an immune balance alteration: for further information we recommend reading the article ‘Allergies, a scientific study to understand what happens inside our body. ‘


Is there an age in which allergic rhinitis develops more easily? Usually allergic rhinitis develops precisely in childhood or during adolescence and has a seasonal trend, especially depending on the spread of air pollens. Before the age of three, allergic rhinitis is observed infrequently in its most typical symptoms, much more often, however, it appears at the beginning of school age and reaches the peak of its maximum clinical expression in adolescence (11-14 years). A constantly increasing phenomenon, we talked about it in the article ‘ I’m not old enough (even allergies suggest it) ‘.

Allergies are not the only frequent clinical condition in children. Enlarged tonsils are another typical condition in children (the surgical removal of tonsils could be experienced as emotionally less difficult because ice cream is given to children in the post-operative period!). But is there a relationship between enlarged tonsils and allergic rhinitis? A study 1has analyzed the connection between an increased tonsils volume and allergic rhinitis. The study was conducted in some hospitals in Genoa and analyzed 171 children with an average age of 6 and a half years, 77 of whom affected by allergic rhinitis and 58 with a significant increased tonsils volume. The children underwent an ENT examination – which examined the nose, throat, ear and especially tonsils and adenoids – and an allergy checkup. The observation showed that although there is no connection between tonsillar hypertrophy and allergy, the presence of consistent inflammation is often associated with increased tonsils volume.

Whether you are young or old, however, suffering from allergic rhinitis is a great nuisance. But what can be done for a little relief? In addition to the use of conventional medicines, properly prescribed by your doctor, Low Dose Medicine can also be a valid support: we talked about it in the article ‘Low Dose Medicine in allergies’, have you already read it? Furthermore, as a practical remedy to find relief when suffering from allergic rhinitis, it is useful to remember nasal irrigation, a simple yet effective and minimally invasive action that allows a good nasal rinsing, especially when there is overproduction of secretions, as in the case of allergic rhinitis.

Contact us for a naturopathic consultation.


Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

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