About Us –

I am Veronica Sauter and am pleased to recount how my life’s path has brought me to become an energy therapist.

During my childhood, I could see auras and always “knew” things. Some call it intuition; technically, this higher knowing is referred to as “clairsentience.” Likewise, extra-sensory hearing is known as “clairaudience.” And seeing phenomena beyond normal perception is “clairvoyance.”

For many years, I placed these special gifts in the background, pursuing language studies. Then, after spending time during junior year at the University of Seville in Spain, I graduated from Chestnut Hill College (Philadelphia, PA) in 1975, Immediately, I continued on to Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA) to pursue a master’s degree.

Quickly, I implemented Spanish language skills into my professional life. I traveled throughout Europe, Mexico, Latin America (and later eastern U.S.) as a consultant for bone-plating techniques for craniofacial and oral and maxillofacial reconstructive surgery.

In the early 80s, dental implants became popular, and required much education among the dental profession and the general public.  For 17 years I traveled extensively throughout those regions, even when wars raged. There, I observed and interacted with doctors whose countries’ indigenous cultures still regarded ancient wisdom. They acknowledged an individual’s emotional and spiritual experience as important factors in well-being.

By 1986, I began to conscientiously study how illness really begins in the human energy field and filters into the human body.  I witnessed first-hand how the human body repairs following trauma and invasive surgery. I gained a full appreciation for the body’s innate healing potential.


After finishing the four-year program at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 1995, I studied numerous healing modalities including:

  • CranioSacral Therapy
  • Manual Lymph Drainage
  • Kinesiology
  • Color, Light and Sound Therapy
  • Comprehensive bio-energetic analysis
  • Aromatherapy
  • DNA healing
  • Flower Essences
  • Homeopathy
  • Iridology and Sclerology
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Functional Medicine

In 2000 I completed requirements for a Certified Traditional Naturopath. Nearly a decade later in 2009 I began to incorporate Functional Medicine into practice.  I am a Board Certified Health Practitioner through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

My life-long love of learning continues.

Read some testimonials about us from some who have experienced our work.

Veronica SauterVeronica Sauter, Ph.D., DNM, CTN


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