Welcome to Full Spectrum Energy Medicine – targeting your individual health needs.
Herbs, botanicals, simple age-old practices such as dry skin brushing, showers alternating hot and cold water, modified fasts–all have a place in everyday health.
We can guide you in how to effectively implement these and many other lifestyle choices to maintain and improve your well-being. Call us to discuss your health goals today at (610) 275-3371.
Targeting your Individual Health Needs

Energy Medicine
Whether you are enjoying generally good health but are feeling slightly “off” energy field analysis can provide answers which defy any physical test.
Energy Medicine – sometimes called Vibrational Medicine – establishes a new paradigm for assessing disease and degenerative processes.

If you are someone who is in good general health and would like to maintain your vitality, naturopathy would be a good choice for you.
Naturopathy is an age-old approach to everyday wellness that focuses on a healthy lifestyle, including eating organic fruits and vegetables when possible.

Functional Medicine
Reserve Functional Medicine for when standard laboratory tests indicate no abnormal findings yet you sense that “something is just not right”.
You want to feel better. In some cases, questionnaires can provide initial clues as to nutritional deficiencies, excesses, and even toxicity. Simple, non-invasive saliva or urine tests can reveal immune, stress and hormonal imbalances.
Can Energy Medicine Help You?
Let’s explore what it is, how and why it works, and then you can decide if energy therapy might help you and your family. That is the purpose of this web site – to introduce you to an alternative concept of health care, to inform you about new developments, and to explain the principles which address the root causes of your discomfort and stress. The goal is to find the most efficient, effective and complete solution to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health concerns.
Energy Medicine can be categorized as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Energy Medicine is holistic medicine — an approach that encompasses body-mind-spirit and that believes “It is not as important to know the disease a person has as it is to know the person who has the disease.” Let’s discuss Energy Medicine in detail. We offer a unique service, using energy as well as physical assessment tools to begin to discover the root cause of someone’s discomfort or dis-ease. We recognize that every individual is unique. Two people present with identical symptoms, yet the reasons for their pain are quite different.
In our current mainstream health care system, when someone undergoes normal diagnostic testing and the results come back negative or inconclusive, it is because the technology used is measuring only the most dense layers of the human energy field; namely, the physical body. You might be told that there is no disease; your pain is only ”in your head.” These analytical devices called MRI, X-ray, CAT scan and ultrasound, to name a few, utilize energy to visualize and indicate disease when contrasted to normal, healthy tissue. This is a quantitative measurement useful once the disease process is firmly rooted in the physical body.
What does it mean, then, when test results are negative, yet a person continues to experience pain?
Pain is always a message from our body or emotions to alert us that our self-awareness has dulled, or that we lack clarity about some aspect of our life. For instance, it often happens that an individual is engaged in a relationship that has run its course, yet remains with the partner or spouse, he or she might develop an illness. The circumstances which arise from the health challenge exert new demands on the couple — demands which can forge the partnership anew, or destroy the union. Severe relationship issues might manifest as back pain (feeling unsupported in life) and/or connective tissue disorders.
In our current mainstream health care system, when someone undergoes normal diagnostic testing and the results come back negative or inconclusive, it is because the technology used is measuring only the most dense layers of the human energy field; namely, the physical body. You might be told that there is no disease; your pain is only ”in your head.” These analytical devices called MRI, X-ray, CAT scan and ultrasound, to name a few, utilize energy to visualize and indicate disease when contrasted to normal, healthy tissue. This is a quantitative measurement useful once the disease process is firmly rooted in the physical body.
What does it mean, then, when test results are negative, yet a person continues to experience pain?
Pain is always a message from our body or emotions to alert us that our self-awareness has dulled, or that we lack clarity about some aspect of our life. For instance, it often happens that an individual is engaged in a relationship that has run its course, yet remains with the partner or spouse, he or she might develop an illness. The circumstances which arise from the health challenge exert new demands on the couple — demands which can forge the partnership anew, or destroy the union. Severe relationship issues might manifest as back pain (feeling unsupported in life) and/or connective tissue disorders.

What is the Difference?
Subtle Energy Medicine uses High Sense Perception (Go to Brennan Healing Science under Hands-on Healing.) which bases its assessment first on a qualitative analysis of your unique energy patterns. Since this specialized branch of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) holds that all disease begins in the subtle energy body and then filters into the physical one, we look first for the energetic disturbance — a potential precursor to disease. With regular monitoring, it is possible to avert impending illness, and often reverse a degenerative process. A skilled practitioner can detect painful areas without you telling them where you hurt or describing your discomfort.
What does Full Spectrum Mean?
Every cell of your body contains light. When light is able to communicate freely through cells, they function as they are designed to do. Various forms of light, or phototherapy, can greatly assist normal metabolic function and even accelerate the healing process. The speed of light really does break the barrier of time!
You can maintain a healthy body and good mental attitude when you are in resonance. Some call it “bio-resonance.” “Full Spectrum Energy Medicine” incorporates light and sound waves and numerous vibrational remedies to harmonize the physical and metaphysical levels.
We look at all aspects — the significant events and milestones in your life — your attitudes, your beliefs, your lifestyle. Specialized techniques and healing modalities focus on restoring healthy harmonics, and thus optimal overall well-being.
Human beings are complex. Think of yourself as an intricate system of energy layers that extends beyond your physical form; you will recognize the term “aura” to describe the container that envelopes the subtle energy body. These layers vibrate and mirror the pulsations which occur in bone, in organs, and in cells.
Every cell of your body contains light. When light is able to communicate freely through cells, they function as they are designed to do. Various forms of light, or phototherapy, can greatly assist normal metabolic function and even accelerate the healing process. The speed of light really does break the barrier of time!
You can maintain a healthy body and good mental attitude when you are in resonance. Some call it “bio-resonance.” “Full Spectrum Energy Medicine” incorporates light and sound waves and numerous vibrational remedies to harmonize the physical and metaphysical levels.
We look at all aspects — the significant events and milestones in your life — your attitudes, your beliefs, your lifestyle. Specialized techniques and healing modalities focus on restoring healthy harmonics, and thus optimal overall well-being.
Just as electron microscopy enables scientists to examine tiny cells invisible to the naked eye to expand their understanding of the inner workings of life forms, the other end of the spectrum, a cosmic or “higher” view, is needed to reveal valuable life lessons disease teaches us. By accurately assessing your human energy field, you can take the therapeutic steps to re-balance your body, mind and spirit. Once proper energy flow is restored, you again can enjoy better health and vitality. That’s what Energy Medicine is all about!
Call (610) 275-3371 and take the first step in developing a healing strategy.
We carry many professional products. A number of manufacturers enforce strict ordering guidelines and require a professional consultation.
We are here to help you determine which are the nutritional supplements best suited for you.
Who is Full Spectrum Energy Medicine?
Full Spectrum Energy Medicine is bringing you tomorrow’s medicine today with the latest in Energy Medicine, Naturopathy and Functional Medicine. We also offer a variety of health products to help you reach your health goals. Contact us today.
How does Energy Medicine work?
Energy Medicine – sometimes called Vibrational Medicine – establishes a new paradigm for assessing disease and degenerative processes. In contrast, Allopathic Medicine bases its views of the human body in traditional biology, as an aggregate of different kinds of cells. Energy Medicine holds a more holistic perspective including body, mind and spirit.
But what if the body were really a liquid crystal under tension, capable of vibrating and resonating at varying frequencies? This is the new paradigm that researcher James L. Oschman, Ph.D. sets forth in Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis.
Imagine that you are made up of interconnected filaments–filaments that for thousands of years Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has defined and outlined as the meridian system. Chi, or vital life force energy, travels along these invisible roadways, and modern research proposes that the vital “traffic” consists of light particles and is electromagnetic. These vibrational medicine transit systems carry trillions of neurochemical messages as they travel to orchestrate our physical, emotional and mental body. When human touch or specialized micro-current is applied to the skin, receptors begin their awesome messenger service to every one of our cells.
How can we contact Full Spectrum Energy Medicine?
Have any questions on Energy Medicine, Naturopathy, Functional Medicine or any of our products? Please feel free to contact today by phone at (610) 275-3371 or by email at info@fullspectrumenergymedicine.com. We are here for all of your Energy Medicine, Naturopathy and Functional Medicine needs. We look forward to hearing from you.