Color Therapy

Color Therapy aka Colorimetry, or the science of measuring color, underlines the important correlation between color and light.

(See also our page on Light Therapy). Color is an expression of light, and it represents a very narrow band on the electromagnetic spectrum. Understand that color and light exist as waveforms: specific waveforms stimulate healing.–thus Color Therapy. See JADE ENERGY Microcurrent information on this website.

It is not surprising that color affects us so dramatically. The field of color psychology can help therapists to understand one’s psyche without even talking.  We all have a favorite color, no doubt. That color might change over time, as we learn and grow. Instinctively, we surround ourselves in colors that we find healing. We choose our clothing and paint our homes to make us feel comfortable.

Color Therapy and the Psyche

Dr. Max Lüscher (1923-2017) invented  a psychological test. He believed that sensory perception of color is objective and universally shared by all, but that one’s color preferences are subjective; this distinction allows subjective states to be objectively measured by using test colors. He also believed that because the color selections are guided in an unconscious manner, they reveal the person as they truly are—not how they perceive themselves or would like to be perceived.

The results of the Lüscher-Color-Diagnostic contain indications pertaining to personal assessment and special, professional recommendations as to how psychological stress and the resulting physical symptoms it causes can be avoided. It also offers additional information for verbal and homeopathic therapy. His Lüscher Color Test offers is a measurable assessment standard.

Color Therapy has its own vocabular. Poets from time immemorial used color imagery to evoke in the reader the full range of human emotion—from passion, love and joy, to heartbreak, sadness and sorrow. Green denoted jealousy, red a fiery passion, pink a softer kind of love; yellow inspired optimism, white, purity and innocence. Theater, too, uses color in characters’ costumes: purple denotes royalty and spirituality, black a standard cloak of camouflage. Indeed, color is a living energy.

For centuries, color has been used in cultures around the world in their most celebrated ceremonies. In many countries, brides wear white on their wedding day. Other festive occasions require more colorful garb, as do indigenous cultures in their rites of passage into adulthood, for example. Other nations mourn their dead by wearing black for a period of time.

Aside from allowing us expression of our emotions and bringing us pleasure, colors can help us to heal on a number of levels—physical, emotional and mental, and spiritual as well. Imagine certain points on the body as “intake valves.” These subtle energy inlets work as does the mouth to ingest food and nourishment. Traditional Chinese Medicine and esoteric traditions name these junctures ‘acupuncture points’. The word ‘chakra’ in Sanskrit means “wheel of light.” Both are located on the more general meridians.  Each point connects to an internal organ. Wearing warming colors like red or orange to boost energy, or a cooling color like blue to calm down an overactive child provide simple, practical  solutions for using color therapeutically. Irlen color overlays are used by special education teachers to facilitate learning for their students with learning challenges.

Quantum physics has proven that photons make up the cells of the human body and are light receptors, just like the eye. Color is a property of light and so can also facilitate healing. As a vibratory rate or frequency, color can affect our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.  But color can also be used incorrectly and cause harm. Dr. Morton Walker in The Power of Color, lists the seventeen principles of of advanced color therapy (pp. 99-102).

Gemstones are crystallized light, and  the frequencies of their brilliant colors resonate with organs and cellular structures of the body. Crystal therapy was widely used in Atlantis. During the Middle Ages, stones were used as amulets and talismans.  Today, as throughout history,  some gemstones and jewels are treasured for their beauty. They are also used for emotional well-being. You can wear them as jewelry or simply carry one or more in your pocket.


Did you know that restaurants often paint the walls of their establishments orange because it stimulates hunger.  Unwittingly, you will order and eat more. Hospitals often use light green paint because it calms. One prison system has installed sedation cells painted pink for extremely unruly prisoners. Within ten minutes in one of these cells, aggression and general violence diminish.

Paint your living room a color that is comfortable and pleasing for you. Bedrooms are most relaxing when painted with a soothing color—never red, the most stimulating of colors.

Look at color every day.  Flowers are one of of nature’s greatest gifts to use. Their vibrant colors and delightful aromas and flavors nourish at least two of our senses—sight and smell.

Wear your colors.

Because white reflects all colors and absorbs none, it is a good one to wear. Black absorbs all colors and reflects none; some even say black is carcinogenic. So even if it is slenderizing, it is best not to wear black on a daily basis. If you are especially sensitive to others’ emotions, do not wear black.

If you have already read our page Light Therapy, you will appreciate how color delivered as light is a powerful healing tool. Chromotherapy  is used by psychologists and has enjoyed positive clinical results as  photostrobic therapy developed by Steven Vázquez, Ph.D.

Color therapy glasses can be used to filter specific colors to affect brainwave patterns and visual perception.

Color Meditation

You can purchase color meditation CDs to guide you through color breathing and visualizations.

Visualize yourself bathing in color. You do not need to practice yoga to be able to do color breathing.  To reiterate some basics of  Energy Medicine, the 7 commonly accepted chakra colors are as follow:

Chakra                 Color

7                           Violet

6                           Indigo

5                           Blue

4                           Green

3                           Yellow

2                           Orange

1                           Red

Dreaming in color

If you dream, pay attention to the colors you see in the dream state.  Colors reveal valuable clues to emotions and the subconscious mind. See Ann Ree Colton’s excellent chapter ‘The Color Vocabulary in Dreams’ in Watch Your Dreams. Eighth Printing.  Glendale, CA: ARC Publishing, 1988, pp. 102-121.


Anderson, Mary. The Application of Color for Healing. Zondervan, 1991.

Birren, Faber. The Power of Color. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group, 1997.

Corvo, Joseph and Verner-Bonds, Lillian. Healing with Color Zone Therapy. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1998.

Dalichow, Irene. Aura-Soma: Healing Through Color, Plant, and Crystal Energy. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2004.

Gimbel, Theo.  Healing with Color and Light: Improve Your Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von.  Theory of Colours. Twelfth M.I.T. printing. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1997.

Douglass, MD William Campbell (Rowen MD, Robert Jay). Color Me Healthy. Atlanta, GA: Second Opinion Publishing, 2002.

Stein, Diane. Gemstones A to Z. Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press, 2008.

Steiner, Rudolf. Colour. Twelve Lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Reprint. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2001.

Walker, D.C., Morton. The Power of Color. The art and science of making colors work for you. Garden City Park, NY: Avery, 1975.

Wall, Vicky.  Miracle of Colour Healing. Aura-Soma Therapy as the Mirror of the Soul.

Wauters, Ambika. Homeopathic Color Remedies. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1999.

Willis, Pauline. Colour Healing. London: Piatkus, 1999.


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