Allergy Testing
Food Allergy Testing can help you determine the cause of your mental and physical symptoms. Research and clinical studies have shown that food allergies may be a major contributing factor for many chronic health conditions.
IgE is an indication of a hypersensitivity or true allergy.
IgG is a secondary response usually associated with a previous exposure to an antigen.
IgM is a primary response usually associated with a current antigen.
IgA is a delayed response which can appear in serum, but is most abundant in secretions/mucosal system.
IgE Food Allergies
The best known and well-studied form of food allergies is called a Type 1 immune reaction (classical food allergy, immediate-onset, IgE-mediated, atopic food allergies, etc.). Type 1 food allergies occur in approximately only 2-5% of the population. Type 1 food allergies occur mostly in children and are less frequent in adults. Usually occurring in the genetically predisposed individual, the immune system begins creating a specific type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) to certain foods. One side of the IgE antibody will recognize and bind to the allergic food. The other side of the antibody is attached to a specialized immune cell packed with histamine, called a Mast cell. Primed for action, the IgE antibody now only have to patiently wait for re-exposure to food allergens.
When you eat the allergic food the next time, IgE antibodies hungrily latch onto the food. Instantaneously histamine and other allergy-related chemicals (chemical mediators) are released from the mast cell, quickly bringing on the unwelcome appearance of stomach cramping, diarrhea, skin rashes, hives, swelling, wheezing or the most dreaded of all Type 1 reactions, anaphylaxis.
IgG Delayed Onset Food Allergy
Type 3 immune reactions are much more commonly involved in food allergy than Type 1 reactions. In fact, 45-60% of the population has been reported as having delayed food allergies. A delayed food allergy or food sensitivity also involves the immune system. They occur when your immune system creates an overabundance of antibody Immunoglobulin G (IgG) to a specific food. The IgG antibodies, instead of attaching to Mast cells, like IgE antibodies in Type 1 allergies, bind directly to the food as it enters the bloodstream, forming food allergens bound to antibodies circulating in the bloodstream. The allergic symptoms in Type 3 immune reactions are delayed in onset – appearing anywhere from a couple of hours to several days after consuming allergic foods.
Delayed food reactions may occur in any organ or tissue in the body and have been linked to either causing and/or provoking over 100 allergic symptoms and well over 150 different medical diseases. An estimated 60 to 80 million Americans suffer from clinically significant food allergies and most all of whom suffer delayed symptoms.
Symptoms of IgG Food Allergy may include:
Abdominal Pains Aches and Pains Acne ADHD Anxiety Arthritis Asthma Autism Bloating Celiac Disease Chronic Fatigue Chronic Infections Constipation Depression Dizziness Eczema Enuresis (Bed Wetting) Fibromyalgia Fluid Retention GI Problems |
Hyperactivity Irritable Bowel Syndrome Itching Lethargy Loss of Appetite Migraine Nausea PMS Psoriasis Recurrent Ear Infection Recurrent Sinus Infections Rhinitis Sinusitis Skin Rashes Stomach Cramps Tension Urticaria Weight Gain Weight Loss Wheezing |
When the immune system is engaged in IgG production, numerous cytokines are also put into motion. The influence of these cytokines extends beyond the immune system to specific areas of the brain that regulate and affect behavior and mood. It is no wonder that under the influence of these powerful compounds people can feel sick and tired when they are indeed being assaulted’ immunologically.
Not available in NY, FL.
Read about different types of allergy testing at American Association of Allergy Asthma and Immunology website.
Read about ALLERGY – GUNA.
Contact us to order the appropriate allergy testing kit for you and your family.