FormiPlus 100 ml 751
FormiPlus Product Info- Composition: Spagyric and/or homeopathic preparations of:
Abrotanum | 4X |
Acidum formicum | 4X |
Acidum formicum | 6X |
Acidum formicum | 12X |
Acidum formicum | 30X |
Acidum formicum | 200X |
FormiPlus Keynotes:
Energy deficiency.
Adaptive regulatory setpoints of metabolism preventing a shift in the biological terrain towards health.
¼ to full teaspoon taken 1 to 3 times per day.
Duration of Use:
For promoting a shift in the biological terrain can be used short-term, typically 4 weeks.
As a part of a program to enhance exercise tolerance, can use a single dose daily before or after exercise long term if indicated.
Clinical Indications:
The use of Pekana remedies to detoxify the matrix and restore metabolic regulation can sometimes be enhanced by supplying the information present in organic acid homaccords.
Formi-Plus is the homaccord of formic acid. Formic acid is the chemical in ant bites and bee stings that causes irritation. Bee stings (bee venom) have been observed empirically to sometimes induce a favorable shift in the biological terrain and induce a down-regulation of systemic inflammation. This remedy provides the information from formic acid in a convenient and non-painful way.
FormiPlus Combines Well With:
It is common to combine 2 or all 3 of the organic acid homaccords:
Read about testing for lactic acid levels.