Principles of Holistic Therapy with Herbal Essences Book: 268 pages (BKP6000)
Second Edition Publisher: Haug Brussels, 1993
Author: Dietrich Gumbel
Dr. Dietrich Gümbel was born in Königsberg, East Prussia (today Kaliningrad). He studied Biology & Geography at the University of Bonn, worked at the Max- Planck-Institute for Limnology in Schlitz/Germany and received his doctorate of natural science at the University of Giessen. His painting and poetry combine the humanities with natural science.
Read about Healing through the Senses –Cosmo-Therapy, the comprehensive sensory therapy Dr. Gumbel developed. He used Principles of Holistic Therapy as the cornerstone of this healing modality. His later book entitled Healing through the Senses – Cosmo-Therapy explains in-depth Cosmo-Therapy. His most recent edition is Healing through the Senses – Sensing the Spiritual World.