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Principles of Holistic Therapy


Principles of Holistic Therapy with Herbal Essences-This unique book offers a fascinating view of the analogies and relationships between our embryological body, the three layers of the skin, and the three parts of the plant (flower, stem and root). It also discusses the practical application and therapeutic effects of specific essential oils as well as the spiritual and holistic implications of this therapy.

About the Author: Private Practice, Gunsbach, France

Dr Dietrich Gumbel's books
Dr Dietrich Gumbel’s books

Principles of Holistic Therapy with Herbal Essences  Book: 268 pages (BKP6000)

Second Edition  Publisher: Haug Brussels, 1993

Author: Dietrich Gumbel

Dr. Dietrich Gümbel was born in Königsberg, East Prussia (today Kaliningrad). He studied Biology & Geography at the University of Bonn, worked at the Max- Planck-Institute for Limnology in Schlitz/Germany and received his doctorate of natural science at the University of Giessen. His painting and poetry combine the humanities with natural science.

Read about Healing through the Senses –Cosmo-Therapy, the comprehensive sensory therapy Dr. Gumbel developed.  He used Principles of Holistic Therapy as the cornerstone of this healing modality. His later book entitled Healing through the Senses – Cosmo-Therapy explains  in-depth Cosmo-Therapy. His most recent edition is Healing through the Senses – Sensing the Spiritual World.


Visit Dr. Gumbel’s website.


Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in

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